Columbine High School shooting | What
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There were many pieces of evidence left to examine after the shootings. Some of the most disturbing revelations were found in the things that happened before the events of April 20, 1999. Both Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold behaved in ways even their close friends found odd, and they had run-ins with the law. They wrote disturbing essays and stories for school assigments. They filmed videos of themselves pretending to shoot jocks on Columbine's campus.

They left behind threatening websites, as well as explicit and violent journals and videos detailing their rage, and their plans for a revolution against their school and the society they lived in (that last link provides information about the Basement Tapes, Rampart Range video, security camera footage, Hitmen for Hire, the fire department video, and more). Excerpts of a file from one of Harris' webpages (titled simply thebook.doc) contained detailed, user-friendly instructions describing how to make homemade napalm and pipe bombs. In the interest of liability, there isn't a copy of the file displayed on this site though there is a copy of the original in the archive files of this website. There were also details on the website regarding the results of test bombs the teens detonated prior to the shootings.

Over the years many investigations have been made, generating reports such as the Columbine Report, which details out the weapons and gear the shooters used in the attack, amongst many other things in that 11,000 page report alone.

Despite the release of the autopsy reports, two deaths remained controversial for a while: those of shooter Dylan Klebold and victim Daniel Rohrbough.

Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold at Rampart Range
Dylan died from a gunshot wound to the left temple, inspiring debate that Eric may have shot him. Dylan's parents came forward later to put the rumor to rest with the statement that Dylan was left-handed, making a left side suicide not only possible but probable. The family's lawyer, Frank Patterson, backed their statement up, as did Dylan's autopsy report from the medical examiner. In the Rampart Range video, Dylan Klebold can be seen shooting with his left hand.

Danny's fatal injury sparked heated conflicts between his parents and Jefferson County after an officer wrongfully claimed Dan had been killed by friendly fire. This resulted in lawsuits and supreme court probes. It was finally and definitively declared that the bullet that killed the boy was fired by Eric Harris, not police. It took nearly four years to sort that out. It was Arapahoe County Deputy James Taylor, who had been friends with the Rohrboughs, who had told the family he'd seen Danny hit by fire from the weapon of a Denver SWAT team member -- a statement that during subsequent investigation he claimed not to have made, but the Rohrboughs had taped him. He, too, was sued. (Read more about the aftermath.)

In February 2004 JeffCo released all of the evidence gathered in the wake of the Columbine tragedy in a public exhibit. The report linked includes statements from Sheriff Ted Mink and is an incredibly detailed description of what could be seen there by someone who attended the exhibit. You can also see a video clip taken at the exhibit. There's only one major piece of missing evidence left to be released: the Basement Tapes.

Jefferson County (offsite link) hosts a website dedicated to Columbine materials that they've released for sale to the public. The Basement Tapes are NOT included in the items they've released yet. July 2006 saw the release of 946 additional pages of information that had previously been withheld from the public. Wayne Harris, Eric's father, petitioned the courts unsuccessfully to prevent said release due to the fact that his personal journals were included in the information. No small wonder he didn't want them released: He had been documenting Eric's illegal activities and run-ins with schoolmates for several months, indicating he knew his son was having serious problems.

The Basement Tapes were never released to the public. Jefferson County claims that they destroyed them in 2011.