There was recently a printing error with some copies of "We Are All Columbine". The issue has been resolved. If you got one of the books that is missing Chapter 8, please return your copy to Amazon (a free return) and order a new one. Apologies for the inconvenience.
At long last, both books are in publication and available from Amazon in the USA. Outside the USA, it will take a bit longer to show up in searches. Links below open in a new window. I'll start sending out complimentary copies next week to Columbine families who expressed interest in receiving them.
A Columbine Book: Who. What. Where. When. Why?
The story and facts of the Columbine shooting
We Are All Columbine: 25 years of healing
How the survivors have fared over the years and turned tragedy to triumph
First: Please be sure to CTRL+F5 to load the most recent stylesheet. I've edited and some pages may appear strangely otherwise. If you run into a page that looks weird, try the CTRL+F5 again. If it still looks odd, contact me with the link.
Book update: One of two books is technically published. The other is still undergoing some revisions and will be out soon. I'm holding off advertising them till I have links for both.
We have a release date for the books: July 4th, 2024. One is titled:
A Columbine Book - Who. What. Where. When. Why?. This is a complete recount of what happened on April 20th, 1999, along with a section that examines the role of other people, first responders, and medical as well as the ballistics and some of the conspiracies and inaccuracies reported in the early day. It also includes a thorough timeline that spans over 100 years. The other book is titled:
A Columbine Book: We Are All Columbine - 25 Years of Healing. It examines what has happened since the shooting, how the survivors and their families have fared, and how they continue to heal. It also includes a narrative about my visit to the school and the Columbine area during the 25th anniversary and what I learned from the people I met.
Both will be available on Amazon as physical books and in eBook format. I am also looking at finding a way to publish the first book to my website as a free-to-access digital book. I really want the reference to be free to the world. Profits from the sales of these books will go to charity.
Got most of the top-level pages updated for better display on mobile. Eventually the rest will follow. I added some photos to the
Officials page and the
Yearbook page while I was there.
Book news: I will be publishing 2 books at the same time. One is a 25-year retrospective/update book that includes information I picked up while in Colorado. The other is a reference book suitable for citing in essays and lesson plans. The 2nd book will be available for purchase in hard copy format (for citation and archival purpose), and will be free in eBook format. The free version will be on Amazon and on this site, to ensure a copy of it remains free to the public regardless of where you're at in the world. Both books should be available before the end of the month.
My trip to the Littleton area was very inspiring. I am honored to have met and spoken with so many amazing people and to have been welcomed with open arms, quite literally. It's currently almost midnight on April 20, 2024 this 25th year (which is why this is dated for the 21st), so I'm going to keep this update short. I have more to say, but it will hold till I've gotten some sleep.
Another reader asked about the
FBI report. Apparently I didn't link it to the
Reports page. The 1,756 page document is now linked alongside 320 deleted pages. I also added files having to do with the "missing"
Guerra report that I neglected to upload.
It was brought to my attention that CSS3 made my old mobile formatting obsolete. Sorry about that. I'm in the process of converting the site over so it'll show correctly on mobile devices again, but it's going to take some time to get all the pages fixed up. Also, because I'm focusing mostly on just getting the whole page to show (or scroll where necessary), some sections may look a little clunky (especially ones that have a lot of photos). I'll pretty them up later when everything's converted to the new format.